1−3 John: Reformed Expository Commentary

Ayuda Ministerial/Resources for Ministry

prpbooks-images-covers-md-9781596389878O’Donnell, Douglas S. 1−3 John. New Jersey: P&R Publishing, 2015.

Commentaries are the most used resources among pastors. We are always seeking for commentaries that are able to combine exegesis without being excessively technical. We love reading commentaries we can easily apply to our sermon preparation and commentaries that are almost written from a homiletical perspective. If you are planning to preach on the letters of John, then you need to consider buying 1−3 John, by Douglas Sean O’Donnell (2015).

O’Donnell begins his commentary assuming the Johannine authorship point of view of the three letters. He does not invest a single chapter to discuss authorship issues in exclusivity. However, the title of the first chapter of the books says it all: “Apostolic Fellowship.” In this chapter, O’Donnell deepens into the pronouns “which”, “we”, and “you” as pivotal words for an appropriate understanding of the rest of the letter. If…

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